Project Overview:
In this project, I was assigned the exciting task of writing a book that showcases various sustainability theories and models in a captivating and creative way. The goal is to educate and inspire readers by presenting complex sustainability concepts through engaging storytelling, thought-provoking narratives, and visually appealing illustrations. By integrating these theories and models into a cohesive narrative, I aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for sustainability.
What to Expect

Be PUNstoppable!​​​​​​​
Systems are everywhere and humans are at its core. For decades we have fallen into numerous system traps and leaned toward our convenience, without considering its implications on the planet's ecosystems and resources. This diary was not meant to tell you what to do. My goal merely is to encourage you to shift your perspective and see beyond immediate events that occur and truly understand deeper levels within the system to uncover root causes. I know I might have overwhelmed you with the web of life, but there's hope in that, trust me. Because the world is so beautifully interwoven, any improvement in one variable can directly or indirectly affect so many more. A sustainable and equitable future is possible. Much like human activities have driven environmental degradation, human activities aided by holistic designs and approaches can also secure thriving human experiences alongside abundant and healthy natural resources.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Take off my lens and tell me what your story looks like!
Find your own leverage points, strengthen your mental model, determine what is actionable to you, and take responsibility for a sustainable world and an equitable future for generations to come.
SCAD | Fall 2022 | Mentored by: Professor Scott Boylston | Applied Theories in Sustainability

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